Lightsaber Guide: The Colors & Their Users

“I see you have constructed a new lightsaber.” -Darth Vader

People have been wondering what is the significance of the lightsabers in Star Wars. Lots of people create their own statements to direct to this order: most popular lightsaber theory is that of the apprentice’ lightsaber color being blue, and their masters, green. Purple for being in the Jedi council. Red for Sith Lords.

But have you considered the lightsaber color black? Well, have you? If you want to find out more about this and more of that, stay tuned for the next couple of minutes, and you’ll definitely geek out on the whats and wehs on this post I’m about lay on you.

Now, we all know the lightsaber, the more “civilized” weapon reserved for only those who know how to use it and their specifications: a laser sword reserved for both Jedi and Sith. Jedis use lightsabers for defense, while the Sith specialize in using them for offense. For now, I’ll be talking about five lightsaber hues: Blue, Red, Purple, Green & Black. So let’s start, shall we?



Now..what do I know of thee, blue lightsaber?  Obviously. It’s blue. It has a hilt. I’m kidding. Now, blue lightsabers are reserved for the Jedi order. Just to correct your theory on the apprentice-master lightsabers (blue for apprentice, green for master), well, you’re wrong, about that one. Since the color blue embodies uniformity, solidarity & protection among Jedi, it is then only used by Jedi. Its distinct glow comes from the forged crystal inside its hilt. Since  there are a lot of lightsaber crystals to talk about and I can’t discuss that now, Blue lightsabers get their glow from ilum crystal. Since ilum crystals are inadequately rare, only the kick-ass Jedi (I believe) use these.

There are a ton of blue lightsaber users. Since they’re so many, I’ll only point out the ones I know. 

For canon characters, the ones I know are as in order:

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Shaak Ti, Agen Kolar, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, Finn, Rey, Aayla Secura, Plo Koon and Sora Bulq.

For Legends, you have Tahiri Veila, Leia Organa Solo (yes, she became a Jedi in the novels!), Mara Jade Skywalker (after marrying Luke), Ferus Olin.


If you’re green, then this lightsaber is for you to wield. Many often mistake a green lightsaber for being used by Jedi masters. But there is a significance, at least. However, let me point it out to you clearly: green lightsabers are used by Jedi Consulars, mainly the “Peace Users”, not really Jedi masters (I mean, Obi-Wan had a blue, he isn’t a consular like his master, Qui-Gon) entirely. For a green lightsaber, a green Ilum crystal must be used. Note: Jedis meditate in front of their crystals before forging it into their lightsaber. On Luke Skywalker’s isolation on Tatooine, he got a natural green ilum crystal, and meditated on it for days, with only R2-D2 on his side. This resulted in the creation of Luke’s nifty green blade, that debuted on Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi.

As I said, Jedi Consulars use green blades. So there are a few I know, and here they are: Luke Skywalker (The Jedi), Anakin Skywalker (Ep. II, Attack Of The Clones, where Anakin was drawn a green saber. Again, he used this at some point), Grandmaster Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn, Depa Billaba (Mace Windu’s apprentice), Bultar Swan (Plo Koon’s apprentice), Stass Allie, Luminara Unduli, Ahsoka Tano, Kit Fisto & General Rahm Kota.



I have a bad feeling about this. Yep, that’s mainly the impression when it comes to holding this crimson weapon of anger. Sure, you always believe that red signifies hatred, right? But that’s not the entire picture of the red lightsabers. Red is commonly used by the Sith Lords, and it’s more than just a fact, actually. Red is the usual color for the Sith because they honor their former Sith Lords from the Old Republic (see: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic). And who are these Sith Lords, exactly? They are Darth Malak and Darth Revan, who used crimson blades to instill fear, I guess. I forgot to mention: red sabers are crafted with the most synthetic crystals of Ilum. They are specially created and modified to look red inside a blacksmith chamber, and the Dark side users just channel their anger through it. But remember: fear is the path to the dark side, and should you choose to go to the dark side, Blades of red, you shall wield.

There are lots of Sith lords (and red lightsaber users) to be exact. Many examples can be said, but they also have their secret apprentices. I’m about to nearly say them all, so here goes: Darth Vader, Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku), Darth Sidious (Chancellor Sheev Palpatine), Darth Maul, Asajj Ventress, General Grievous (trained by Dooku in the Arts of Lightsaber Combat), Savage Opress, Darth Sidious, Darth Plagueis, Darth Nihillus, Darth Revan, Darth Malak, Darth Bane, Darth Zannah, Darth Malgus, Darth Gravid, Darth Gean, Darth Andeddu, Darth Baras, Darth Caedus, Darth Krayt, Darth Ruin, Darth Talon (some are from the Star WarsL Legends books, especially Darth Malgus & Darth Revan, and some are references to the The Old Republic video games by LucasArts, especially Darth Nihillus), The Apprentice, Maris Brood (both are from The Force Unleashed video game) & Kylo Ren.



What if I told you that purple is something you should wield…a bit. We all know that only one Jedi Master uses the purple lightsaber. But do you really know the true power of a purple lightsaber user? Purple lightsaber users possess immense power, and is most likely to be an aficionado to both light and dark sides of the force. There is also a theory that suggests that purple-saber users are Sith-turned-Jedi people. If you were just thinking about that, you’re right about that one! Since the Sith have practiced channeling their anger in every hit or strike they take, well, sometimes being a Sith is Sith (geddit?), and once they revoke their devotion to the Dark side, they then focus on being a Jedi, and then they earn these bad boys upon completion of training. Crafting these sabers take a lot of work, as the purple glow of these instruments come from Hurikane crystals from the planet Hurrikane. So now I ask you this question: Are you ready to get out of your Sith and be a Jedi and wield these things?

There are a few users of the color purple. Unlike the many Jedi who use blue or green, purple can be a unique color, once you train from Sith to Jedi. Notable users are Mace Windu, Mara Jade Skywalker (read: Luke’s wife in the Extended Universe), Kyp Durron & Jaden Korr.



Unexpected, this is. A coincidence, I presume? Not much is known for this lightsaber, because only a limited few possess this one-of-a-kind blade, and is most likely to be really rare among the Jedi or Sith Order. Black lightsabers or darksabers (because of its distincr grim glow) are ancient Jedi weapons, which is the reason why they tend to be rare nowadays. The crystal used for these saber is quite unknown (unless you try Wookieepedia), which makes research for this weapon is limited. Unlike your typical, rounded lightsaber hilts, a darksaber has a slight snap on its hilt, and is curved in the end, making it look more like a sword than lightsaber.

There are only three darksaber users. The three consists of the Vizslas, Pre (pictured above) and Tor & Darth Maul. If you want to see them fight with their darksabers, I suggest you watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008-2014 version).


Well, in the end, it’s always the color of choice that matters now. Either be a Jedi, using blue, green or purple or be a Sith, red and black (I guess). It’s up to you now, and I have told you everything I know about my knowledge on each saber color and their users.

So good night, and this is SkyTheGoldMan, signing off. Night, night. 🙂


Published by Chrian

Just some nerd writing.

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