Movie Review: Star Wars VII -The Force Awakens-


Ah yes. It’s been ten years since we last saw Star Wars. The last movie that was sure to “piece together the Star Wars saga” (Ep. III, Revenge of the Sith) as we last saw it was during 2005. Many people were left wondering what might happen now, since the saga is already complete.

Yeah right, we know all about the Luke-Leia twin story, the Darth-Vader-being-Luke’s-father-yet-he-did-not-know-he-had-a-daughter plot & the Han-SHOT-FIRST stereotype, but now, all of that is about to change. For real. And one reason you should be hyped about this is the recent release of the Extended Saga (that includes 3 more films for the Star Wars movie franchise, plus a few anthologies starting with Rogue One: A Star Wars Story this 2016), with the first film to drop its anchors in theaters all over the globe, The seventh episode to Lucas’ epic sci-fi spectacle, The Force Awakens.


Now, maybe you’re wondering, what’s with all the new dilly-dally in this? Well, if you wanna know, just hold tight and read up, if you want to. Let me remind you again that my review for this movie contains spoilers, so don’t go bawling your eyes out if you were planning to watch the film and you read this before watching it. It was your mistake anyway.

The Force Awakens is set 30 years ABE (in the SW timeline, After the Battle of Endor), and lots of things surely happened 30 years time. Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi, selects and trains his very own Padawan, but thanks (or no thanks) to the Dark Side, the Padawan betrays Luke, and eventually joins a group of dark-side marauders known as the Knights of Ren, thus making the main antagonist for this film, Kylo Ren. Because of this, Luke’s dream to revive the Jedi order crumbles to ashes. Feeling solely responsible, he disappears after his misfortune. Not only this happened, as well. Ever since the Galactic Senate was filled with unbearable corruption and darkness, a group “inspired” by the Galactic Empire arose from its dark shell: the First Order, which is lead by Supreme Leader Snoke. Together with his new apprentice Kylo Ren, they aim for total domination to the star systems of the galaxy. After General Leia Organa hears about the formation of the First Order, she assembles a mere fleet of freedom fighters called the Resistance. Having a trinket of hope for her lost brother, she sends her best pilot Poe Dameron to the desert planet of Jakku to retrieve a lost map from a Tuanul village that leads to her brother’s exact location. But when the First Order come looking for the same map in Jakku, you know things will turn to the worse. Knowing that the map isn’t safe from his hands, he hides it in his droid, BB-8. Meanwhile, BB-8 was found by a young scavenger named Rey, whose fate is unknown, after hearing his beeps of distress after being captured by a Teedo scavenger, who wants the droid for parts. At the brisk of dawn, she then meets Finn, a former First Order stormtrooper who wants to merely escape his grim past. Together with the associate droid, they try to accomplish the “mission” that BB-8 was assigned for.

Now, what’s good about this movie is the feeling you get after seeing your childhood come to life, back again from the good ‘ol 70s. While The Force Awakens brings us a brand-new ensemble that includes Finn (John Boyega), Rey (Daisy Ridley), Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) & of course, we won’t forget the bad guys, Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), Captain Phasma (Gwendoline Christie), General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson) & the “new emperor” Snoke (Andy Serkis), it never forgot the old cast as well. So expect to see some familiar faces like Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), General Leia (Carrie Fisher), Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) & the “ever-lasting” droids in the entire franchise, C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) & R2-D2 (Kenny Baker). The Force Awakens never fails to amaze, as well as entertain. The acting of all the characters were well-played, not to mention the stunning performance of Adam Driver as Kylo Ren. The gothic and grim look reminds you of Anakin, yes? Well, he’s not entirely trying to channel Anakin to Episode VII, but merely trying to be “it”, as we all know from his infamous line, “I’ll finish what you started”. To cut the cake short, nearly everything was beautifully written and adjusted. From the craftiness in making the characters in the film (nearly all were animatronics, so to speak, CGIs weren’t mainly used) and the way they made the star-fighter battles (did I forget to mention the uber-cool InCom FreiTek T-70 custom-made Poe Dameron X-Wing? Go nuts for that ship, you will.),  it takes the bacon for being the best movie of 2015.

Aside from all this, The Force Awakens still captures the entire Star Wars feel, as if it were still the original. Not only that, we were all mistaken when J.J. Abrams directed this film. Note taken, many haters were on the loose after this announcement, but watch the film first, you must. I’m telling you: J.J. is nearly the new George Lucas for this one. Try inspecting the film from top to bottom (not literally, guys). You definitely recommend this film to be on your movie marathon within the next few months, perhaps? The choice is yours though, as Yoda had said: “Do or do not. There is no try.”.

But there is only one error from this one. I mean, not all movies are merely perfect, right? The Force Awakens, I know that it entertains a lot, but there is only one thing I find bad to believe about this film, is that: HAN SOLO FRICKIN DIES. I repeat, HAN SOLO DIES. Why??? First, he was nearly the most popular character than Luke and this is his fate in the Extended version? Han dies? By the hands of Kylo Ren?? Hmm. Lots of explaining to do, J.J. Lots of explaining to do.

In the end, I believe this is the best film of 2015. I know, lots of films deserve it like Furious 7 or Age of Ultron but those movies don’t entirely have the icing to make a good cake. And where’s the fun in that?  Whatever. Just watch this one, and I’m sure it will satisfy your hunger for lightsaber battles. Now, it’s up to you to decide whether this movie is good or nah. And I hope, The Force Awakens never fails to amaze you, like the way it did for me.

ButterMeter (Is it good)?: 9.9/10     I FRICKIN LIKE IT A LOT BRUH!

Here’s SkyTheGoldMan signing off, and have a Happy New Year, folks.


Published by Chrian

Just some nerd writing.

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